Reading for pleasure is key to tackling the "Happiness Recession" says children's laureate

Reading for pleasure is key to tackling the "Happiness Recession" says children's laureate

Children's Laureate Frank Cottrell-Boyce calls for action on early childhood reading. Discover the key takeaways from The Reading Rights Summit and how you can help give every child the best start in life.

“Our children are near the top of the global leagues when it comes to the mechanical skill of reading but near the bottom when it comes to ’reading for pleasure’. We’ve taught them all the steps and the names of all the tunes. But they’re not dancing.”

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How a Baby Monitor Works: Understanding Wi-Fi and Non-Wi-Fi Monitors

Baby monitors have come a long way from their humble beginnings, offering parents an invaluable tool for keeping an eye on their little ones. In this blog post, we'll dive into the inner workings of baby monitors and explain the key differences between Wi-Fi and non-Wi-Fi monitors.

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Baby Sleep Regression: Surviving the Turbulent Nights

Baby Sleep Regression: Surviving the Turbulent Nights

Every parent eagerly anticipates the day when their baby sleeps through the night, providing some much-needed rest. However, just when you think you've established a routine, your baby may suddenly experience sleep regression. In this blog post, we'll explore what baby sleep regression is, why it happens, and offer strategies to navigate these challenging phases. We'll also address the question: "Which baby sleep regression is the worst?"

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