The A-Z of ‘Baby Hacks’ - we count down our favourites.

The A-Z of ‘Baby Hacks’ - we count down our favourites.

The A-Z of ‘Baby Hacks’ - we count down our favourites.

The A-Z of ‘Baby Hacks’

A - Use a baby carrier or sling to keep your hands free while caring for your baby

B - Keep a stash of disposable bibs to avoid constantly doing laundry

C - Use cloth nappies / diapers to save money and reduce waste

D - Keep a diaper bag stocked with essentials like diapers, wipes, and a change of clothes

E - Use a drop-side crib to make it easier to lift your baby in and out

F - Freeze breast milk in ice cube trays to make it easy to thaw out small amounts as needed

G - Get a good stroller that is comfortable for both you and your baby

H - Use a humidifier to help soothe a congested baby

I - Invest in a hands-free pumping bra to make pumping easier

J - Use a jogging stroller to get some exercise while also pushing your baby around

K - Keep a variety of baby-safe toys on hand to keep your little one entertained

L - Use a laundry basket to transport your baby's dirty clothes to the washing machine

M - Get a baby monitor to keep an ear on your little one while they sleep

N - Keep a regular night time routine to help your baby sleep

O - Keep an open mind. Nothing challenges you quite the way parenting can!

P - Use a play yard or playpen to give your baby a safe place to play

Q - Use a quilt or other soft blanket as a makeshift playmat

R - Keep a supply of rash cream on hand to help treat and prevent diaper rash

S - Use a swing or bouncer to help calm and soothe your baby

T - Keep a supply of teething toys and remedies on hand to help your baby through the teething phase

U - Use a waterproof cover on your mattress to protect it from diaper leaks

V - Use a vibrating baby chair to help calm and soothe a fussy baby

W - Use a wrap or swaddle to help calm and soothe a fussy baby

X - Use a baby-safe insect repellent to protect your little one from bugs

Y - Say "Yes" jar to offers of help from friends and family - there's no prizes for bravery and endurance here!

Z - Keep a supply of baby-safe zinc oxide cream on hand to help protect your baby's skin from diaper rash and other irritations.

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